Become a Member

IANL Membership

By becoming a member of IANL you will have a say in how the organisation is run and be able to participate in its Elections.

Member Duties

Duties of members include:

  • Furthering the purposes of the CIO and holding the organisation to account
  • Participating in achieving the objectives of the Masjid including joining working groups and committees
  • Attending and participating in General Meetings including voting on resolutions
  • Nominating and electing Trustees and the President


Membership of the CIO is open to any Sunni Muslim who:

  • Is a permanent resident of the UK
  • Permanently resides or works in the Borough of Barnet, or a general meeting of the members decides otherwise in the event that a regular attendee resides just outside the boundaries of the borough
  • Has been a regular attendee for at least two years (unless otherwise agreed by a majority decision at a meeting of the charity trustees)
  • Agrees with the objects and rules of the CIO

Membership Fees

Initial Admin processing fee is non-refundable (regardless of application outcome).

The annual membership fee is £50.

Membership Form

If you would like to join please complete the form below.

Please note as stated above there will be a £10 admin fee (paid when completing the form online). The Admin fee is non refundable.

Once submitted we will request:

  • Proof of residence (recent gas/electric/telephone bill or a copy of your drivers licence)
  • Photocopy of Passport