IANL Membership

Rules and Regulations


Membership of the CIO is open to any Sunni Muslim who:

I. is a permanent resident of the UK

II. permanently resides or works in the Borough of Barnet, or a general meeting of the
members decides otherwise in the event that a regular attendee resides just outside
the boundaries of the borough;

III. has been a regular attendee for at least two years (unless otherwise agreed by a
majority decision at a meeting of the charity trustees); and

IV. agrees with the objects and rules of the CIO.


The Board of Trustees (BoT) require applications for membership to be made on the form
prescribed along with a non-refundable application fee of £10 to cover administration costs.

The application will be reviewed by the BoT and the applicant will be informed of the
decision made within 3 months of submittal. The BoT may refuse an application for
membership if they believe that it is in the best interests of the CIO for them to do so giving
the applicant their reason for doing so within 28 days of the decision being taken.

The applicant has the opportunity to appeal against the refusal and the BoT shall give fair
consideration to any such appeal, but any decision to confirm refusal of the application for
membership shall be final.

Termination of Membership

Membership of the CIO comes to an end if:

I. the member dies;

II. the member sends a notice of resignation to the charity trustees;

III. The member fails to pay his or her annual subscription within 3 months of being
called upon to do so;

IV. the charity trustees decide that it is in the best interests of the CIO that the member
in question should be removed from membership, and pass a resolution to that
effect; or

V. the member fails to attend 2 consecutive AGMs without valid reason(s) acceptable to
the charity trustees.

Duty of members

It is the duty of each member of the CIO to exercise his or her powers as a member of the
CIO in the way he or she decides in good faith would be most likely to further the purposes of
the CIO.