Prayer | Time | Jamaat |
Fajr | 6:02am | 6:30am |
Sunrise | 7:42am | |
Dhuhr | 11:52am | 12:00pm, 12:45pm, 1:30pm |
Asr (Mithl1) | 1:37pm | |
Asr (Mithl2) | 2:09pm | 1:50pm |
Maghrib | 3:59pm | 4:04pm |
'Ishaa | 5:17pm | 8:00pm |
Next Friday Jamaat times 12:00pm, 12:45pm, 1:30pm | ||
* Tomorrow 'Ishaa Jamaat time 7:00pm |
Jamaat Times
The Friday Jamaats are held at:
- 12:00 pm
- 12:45 pm
- 1:30 pm
Gates will open at 12:30pm and will be closed when the mosque is full.
Reduced Jummah Capacity
Please note that now the building works have started the front area has reduced area for Salaat.
Please attend the 3rd Jamaat as the 1st & 2nd Jamaats get very busy.
Park Responsibly
If you come by car please park responsibly and do not:
- block driveways
- park on private property
- Park at Topps Tiles
- Park in Christ Church North Finchley car park.
It is encouraged that we respect our local community by adhering to such requests. If possible travel to the Mosque by foot or by public transport. There are also public car parks nearby.
Do not park in front of Homebase
Parking in front of the old Homebase site obstructs people with Pushchairs and in Wheelchairs trying to get by. This then forces them onto the road and is extremely dangerous. Traffic wardens are also known to have given tickets to people parking there.