School Visits
North Finchley Mosque (IANL) holds regular school visits to schools in and around Barnet
We warmly welcome all visitors from any background who wish to learn about Islam. Throughout the year we receive visitors from various organisations and schools. The Imam of this Mosque can also be invited to the School site.
School visits normally take approximately 70 – 90 mins depending on the number of pupils and the primary purpose of the visit. The visit normally starts with a tour of the facilities, a brief talk / outline of the Islamic Faith, followed by a “Question & Answer” session.
There are no fees or charges but as the mosque is a place of worship you are humbly requested to dress modestly in the mosque.
School tours can only be arranged by appointment only between 9:30 am to 12pm Mondays to Thursdays.
If you are interested in booking a visit to the mosque or to your school, please use the contact form below:
When contacting us please give your telephone number, your preference to the Mosque you wish to visit, 2 possible dates for your visit, number of students, Year group details, & any visitors with any special needs requirements i.e disabled access etc.
Tour Notes
For the comfort and safety of all children and adults visitors, please note the following points
- All visitors will be informed of Fire Evacuation Procedures and Fire Exit before the presentation starts. If the Fire Alarm sounds please make you way calmly out of the mosque and meet in the car park.
- All visitors need to remove shoes/trainers/boots and place them in the shoe stands provided at the entrance.
- Visitors are also requested to dress modestly with loose fitting clothing, comprising of full length skirts, trousers, sleeves, etc. Some relaxation is acceptable in case of children under 10 years of age.
- All children must be accompanied and supervised by adults who are responsible for them.
- Be alert during the visit and ensure all safety instructions are followed. Please respect the mosque as a place of worship.
- Eating or drinking is not permitted in the prayer hall.
- No Smoking policy is imposed throughout the mosque building.
- Avoid bringing any animals into the mosque.
Please remember that you are responsible for doing your own risk assessment and Health & Safety. We require you to have at least one adult to every six children in a group containing pupils of school years one to three. The ratio must be at least 1 adult to 10 children for years 4-16.
Group leaders must take responsibility for their group and supervise their pupils or students during the visit. Teachers must ensure that they are closely supervised at all times while on site.
Tour Plan
- Welcome and Safety briefing.
- Tour and explanation of the ablution facilities.
- Tour of the mosque building.
- Observation of how prayer is performed.
- Multi-media presentation about Islamic faith.
- Explanation of any specific topic (advise us prior to the visit).
- Q&A session.
- Worksheets are provided for younger visitors.