Starting the journey
Embarking on an adventure to climb Mt. Sinai was a decision filled with excitement and spiritual anticipation. Our journey began in the stillness of the night, precisely at 2 am. With our backpacks strapped and spirits high, we set off into the cold, crisp air that enveloped us on the way up.
The chilly ascent was both physically challenging and awe-inspiring. The deeper we trekked into the night, the more the temperature seemed to drop, wrapping us in a blanket of cold. Yet, this chill was countered by the breathtaking beauty around us. The stars visible from the valley below unveiled in all their splendor, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of light against the dark canvas of the sky and the black silhouette of the mountains.
As we continued our climb, the moon became our guide, casting a subtle glow that illuminated our path. Its silvery light made the rough, rocky terrain easier to navigate, and we felt a sense of calm and assurance under its gentle light.

Beautiful view of the Night Sky
At the Top
Hours passed, and as we neared the summit, the first light of dawn began to break. The moments we caught sight of the horizon through gaps in the mountain crevices, as the darkness gave way to soft white light layered by yellow and red hues, were stunningly beautiful and beyond words. Truly, the wonders of Allah’s creation were on full display.
Reaching the top at Fajr, we gathered in the small mosque there to pray Subh. It was a moment of profound serenity and connection with Allah, a culmination of our physical and spiritual journey thus far.
After our prayers, we watched the sunrise from the summit, painting the sky with hues of gold, red, and orange.

Catching the first light of dawn from the top.
High above the World
The beauty of that moment, high above the world, was magnificent. That moment represented a new cycle of the ever continuous favours of Allah being bestowed upon us. We were triumphant in our climb, gleeful that we had made it after 4 hours of ascension, and ultimately humbled by what awaited us at the top, the magnificence of Allah, beheld by those whose eyes could see.

Alhamdullilah, we made it.
The way down
The descent offered a new perspective on the mountain’s grandeur. In the daylight, we saw the immense scale of the mountain and the vast valley below. The landscape that had been shrouded in darkness now revealed itself in all its majestic splendour.

Making our way down.
Inspired by Prophet Musa (as)
Throughout the climb, we were deeply inspired by the story of Prophet Mūsā, who received divine revelation on this very mountain. Walking in his footsteps, we felt a profound connection to our Faith and history.
We were even more inspired to learn that the Prophet pbuh himself had visited these blessed valleys on his night journey to Jerusalem, may Allah free it from the clutches of occupation, Ameen.
In Sunan Al Nasa’i Anas bin Malik said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: I was brought to an animal that was higher than a donkey and smaller than a mule. One step would take one as far as the eye could see. So I rode it, and with me was Gabriel, peace be upon him. He said: Go down and pray, so I did so and he said: Do you know where you prayed? You prayed at Taiba (the name of Madinah) and to it will be your migration. Then he said: Go down and pray, and I prayed, and he said: Do you know where you prayed? You prayed at Mount Sinai where God Almighty spoke to Moses, peace be upon him. Then he said: Go down and pray. So I went down and prayed, and he said: Do you know where you prayed? You prayed in Bethlehem where Jesus, peace be upon him, was born. Then I entered the Holy House (Baitul Maqdis), and the prophets gathered for me to lead them in prayer…
This journey was more than just a physical challenge; it was a pilgrimage that touched our hearts and souls. It left us with memories that will last a lifetime and a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration for years to come.
Climbing Mt. Sinai was truly an experience like no other—one that I will cherish forever.
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Instagram Reel of Imam's Journey
Check out Imam Hamid’s video log of his journey.

You can still donate
Imam Hamid’s took this endeavour to raise funds for our IANL Redevelopment Project and help build a Mosque for the next generation. If you’d like to show your support and make a contribution you still can: