Community update
Salam alaykum brothers and sisters
Preparations so far
IANL together with dedicated volunteers have been working diligently to fulfil the legal COVID-19 requirements for reopening our mosque. IANL’s unique building structure requires COVID-19 measures and procedures to be tailored to our unique needs.
To avoid overcrowding IANL have created an online booking system.
Webinar on New Procedures
Please join our IANL Reopening Webinar on Wednesday 29th July at 7:30pm where you will be guided through the necessary changes to perform congregational salat. The webinar will also be an opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions.
Volunteer Appeal
Our risk assessment has highlighted the necessity for additional volunteers throughout the day before we can reopen. Each volunteer will be provided with appropriate PPE and will be required to be present at IANL for approximately 90 minutes per salat. To volunteer please click the button below.
We urgently need more volunteers before we can proceed in reopening. To volunteer complete the form below.
In addition, we need specific volunteers to test and refine the online system you can also volunteer for this using the button below.
Jazakallah khairan for your patience and may Allah grant us success in our endeavours.