Why are we shutting down the WhatsApp group?

Even though WhatsApp is popular, unfortunately the WhatsApp group can only be managed by a single person and it’s becoming difficult to manage.

WhatsApp is not really suited for large groups and we are now migrating to Telegram and we would like you to join us there.

Telegram is a great messaging App and with over 400m users and has better group features and is easier to manage than WhatsApp.

Benefits of Telegram

Telegram WhatsApp
More Features For You
Polls and Quizes
Easy way to give feedback
Yes No
Pinned Msgs
To highlight important msgs)
Yes No
No need to share phone numbers
Yes No
Use on multiple devices at same time
Read and respond wherever you are Phone, Tablet, PC
Yes No
(Only one device)
Easier Admin For Us
Bigger Group Size
Don’t have to manage multiple groups
Unlimited 256
More Admins who can send msgs
Easier to send urgent messages
Multiple Single Person