During the last 10 days of Ramadan we traditionally invite Charities to attend the Masjid to appeal for donations.

Since we are in lockdown we are unable to do that but we do appeal to you to support these charities.


Ummah Welfare Trust

Ummah Welfare Trust

Supporting the Uighurs

Outside of the camps, in the Uighurs’ homeland of East Turkestan, Islam has been completely banned. The Qur’an and fasting are outlawed, Islamic dress is disallowed and ancient masjids have either been bulldozed or turned into bars.

In response to what is undoubtedly the biggest ethnic cleansing campaign since WW2, the world, and in particular the Muslim Ummah, is silent. Allah forgive us.

For the fortunate few who have fled the genocide of their homeland, notably to Turkey, Ummah Welfare Trust is beginning a new programme to help them start again. You can donate your Zakat, Sadaqah and Lillah to help Uighur refugees in Turkey with financial and household aid.

Syria Relief

Syria Relief

Syria Relief is one of the leading Syria-focused charities in the world. They provide lifesaving and life-changing support to millions of Syrians every year through emergency interventions, providing medical facilities, food, clean water, shelter, orphan support, protection and education.


Human Appeal

Human Appeal


Yemenis have experienced unimaginable brutality and hardship over the last years – the most severe cholera 85,000 babies and toddlers starved to death, and hundreds of thousands more are malnourished, urgently needing help to survive.

This Ramadan, we’re focusing on supporting as many Yemenis as we can through a fragile time of hunger. It’s hard to overstate just how desperately your support is needed – a staggering 80 percent of Yemenis need help just to survive.

£70 – provide iftar to a fasting family in Yemen for a month.


Islamic Relief

Islamic Relief


With intensifying conflict in the region, we’re on the ground ready to respond in the coming days and weeks to provide lifesaving medical care in an area where the health system is already short in resources.

Gaza’s health system is under severe pressure due to ongoing staff shortages and lack of medical supplies.

With around half the population across the Palestinian Territories in need of humanitarian aid and water, and electricity shortages across Gaza, we’re working to support communities in need across the region.



Human Appeal

Barnet Islamic Center

New Masjid in Barnet

Many of our community here in Finchley Masjid will know of this project for this new Masjid proposed to be opened up in East Barnet.

This Masjid will cater for Muslims in and around High Barnet, East Barnet, Cockfosters and the surrounding areas.

Funds are needed urgently to complete the purchase. We encourage everyone to donate whatever they can to establish this Masjid in Barnet.

Human Relief Foundation

Human Relief Foundation

Help the Rohingya

Since 2017 we have been giving support to thousands of Rohingya refugees forcibly driven from their homes in Myanmar. It was then, and continues to be, important to provide aid to these vulnerable people.

The situation for Rohingya refugees continues to be desperate, though still safer than being in Myanmar. Though with over 400,000 children unable to access to education, older children and adolescents lacking opportunities to make a living, they are rapidly turning into a lost generation.

With your help these last 3 years we have provided a range of aid, from food through our kitchen project, which has fed thousands, medical camps treating 200 people a day, and education through school projects.