IANL is excited to announce the start of a new class: Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, Prophetic Morals and Etiquettes by Imam Al-Bhukhari taught by the Muhaddith Sheikh Iqbal Azmi.
The class is open to brothers who may attend in-person or online, and sisters who may attend online only.
A general Ijazah will be given to participants who sign up for the class.
The Class
When: Saturdays and Sundays Asr Jamaat to Maghrib (keep up to date with our Salah times here). Classes will start Saturday 17th June 2023.
Where: Finchley Masjid main hall extension area. For those joining online, a link will be shared to a Telegram group to help keep up to date with classes.
The Book
Al-Adab al-Mufrad is an anthology of over 1300 Hadith, all of which are directly related to personal and social norms of behaviour, manners and morals of the Prophet (SAW) and his companions.
The Sheikh
Shaykh Iqbal Ahmad Azmi is one of the prominent and senior Hadith scholars of the 21st Century. He completed his Shariah and Hadith studies and taught at Nadwatul Ulama in India. He spent over three decades in the company of the renowned Indian scholar Shaykh Habib al-Rahman al-Azmi and Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi. He is a contemporary of Shaykh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghudda, the leading hadith scholar of the 20th Century. Shaykh Iqbal Azmi is the founder of UK Islamic Academy and has published numerous works on hadith, law and history.
Sign up
If you’d like to join us you can sign up using the button below: