Suspending Classes
Due to the public health concerns stemming from the Coronavirus, it is with
regret that we are suspending all classes at IANL Academy with immediate
Summer Term
We hope insh’Allah that classes will resume again in the Summer Term
(scheduled to begin on 27th May) – however this depends on the circumstances,
and we will keep you updated insh’Allah.
This decision has not been taken lightly, and has been made with the best
interests and health of your children and families in our minds.
Alternative Teaching
Although your children will not be able to attend classes, we are very committed
to ensuring that they do not regress and forget what they have learnt. For this
reason, we are exploring the opportunity of “remote teaching”. This may involve
the teacher calling you twice or thrice a week during madrasah hours to listen to
your child recite Qaidah / Quran, and giving homework to do. We will provide
more information about this in due course insh’Allah.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We pray that Allah protects
us all, and grants us strong imaan and health during this difficult period – ameen.
IANL Academy