We are excited that Ramadan is here again and Allah has blessed us to witness this great month and benefit from it Insha’Allah.

The following is some guidance for brothers and sisters attending IANL for Taraweeh prayers this month:

Taraweeh Salah

Taraweeh Salah will begin 10 minutes after the start time of Isha. Please check our calendar for more details on prayer times. Attendance will be on a first come first served basis so brothers and sisters are requested to come as early as they can to ensure they find space. Space will be made available in the car park if and when the masjid reaches capacity. Reserving spaces for yourself or others is not permitted under any circumstances. 

Be respectful to our Neighbours

When arriving at the masjid it is important that we do not harm our neighbours or obstruct passers by. Please park sensibly. Do not park on private property, in front of resident driveways, on double yellow lines, or in front of dropped curbs. Parking restrictions end at around 5pm in the local area.

There are 6 free car parks in the local area only a few minutes walk from the masjid:


Children are always welcome at the masjid and are welcome to attend prayers throughout the day. For Isha and Taraweeh, children under 7 years of age will not be permitted to attend. Children aged 7-12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times and must pray next to them. Children aged 13-16 may pray individually but are their parents’ responsibility should they be found misbehaving. All individuals over 16 will be treated as adults.

Any comments?

If you have any comments or questions about the contents of this post please reach out to us via [email protected]

Whilst this guidance is necessary it does not take away from the excitement of Ramadan and coming together as an Ummah to please Allah.