Single Jamaat in the Park

We are thrilled to announce that this Eid-ul-Fitr, subject to good weather, we will be performing Eid Salah in the local Glebelands Local Nature Reserve. This is the first time we have been able to do this and allows us all, brothers, sisters, youngsters and elders, to pray together in a single Jamaat and revive the Sunnah of the Messenger, Alayhi Salam, to pray Eid outdoors in an open space.

For latest updates join our Telegram Channel

As Eid in the Park is dependant on weather to get the latest announcements quickly join our Telegram channel.

Location and Timing

There will be a single Eid Salah which will be held at 10:30am.

The venue will be at Glebelands Local Nature Reserve (Behind Finchley Vue Cinema). See map below for details.


What to Bring

As we will be in an open space without facilities please bring:

  • A prayer mat
  • A bag for your shoes

No Wudhu facilities

There are no Wudhu facilities at the site. Please ensure you have wudhu before you come or bring a water bottle with you so that you can perform it there if needed.

Getting there

There is plenty of parking near the Prayer Area in the Finchley Lido Car Park. Please use this area. There is parking for Elderley and Disabled but spaces are limited.

Main Parking Area

The main parking area is in the Finchley Lido Car Park 

Address: 2 Leisure Way, London, N12 0GL (Google Maps Link)


Elderly and Disabled Parking

A limited number of spaces on site are reserved for elderly and disabled only.

Address: Next to Glebelands Indoor Bowls Club. N12 0PD (Google Maps Link)

Footpath from Main Parking Area

There is a footpath from the Main Car Park area in the Finchley Lido which is a 3 minute walk to the Prayer Area.


Please pay Zakat-ul-Fitr before Eid Salah. It is £4 per individual in a household.

You can pay online using our secure donation page:

Eid Salah after Fajr

There will be an Eid Salah in the mosque for those that cannot make it for the Eid in the Park.

Eid Salah after Fajr will be at 6:00am.

What if it Rains?

If there is adverse weather we will make an announcement and hold regular Jamaats at the Masjid. Please look out for announcements in the build-up to Eid on our website and social media channels.

The timing for these will be the usual timings (6:00, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30)